Welcome to R&C Packing and Custom Butchering
Welcome to R & C Packing and Custom Butchering Online: Your online resource for beef and pork information and sales.
“We’ve got your meat needs all wrapped up!”
From the best steaks to the best pork chops–you name it, we’ve got it!
On this site, you will find information for prices and the process for custom butchering and retail sales. Along with product processing information, also on this site is the history about R&C Packing’s State-inspected processing facility.
Just use the menu above in order to move around our site. If you are here to give cutting instructions, just click “Cutting Instructions” and select the species.

R&C Packing, Inc. Participates in the CIS Program
The Cooperative Interstate Shipment (CIS) Program promotes the expansion of business opportunities for state-inspected meat and poultry establishments. Under CIS, state-inspected plants can operate as federally-inspected facilities, under specific conditions, and ship their product in interstate commerce and anywhere in the continental U.S. Without CIS, a state-inspected plant is limited to sales within its own state.
The CIS program is limited to plants located in the 27 states that have established a Meat and Poultry Inspection Program (MPI) and maintain “at least equal to” FSIS regulatory standards.
One major CIS benefit is that a state plant’s day-to-day operations do not drastically or materially change. The assigned state inspectors under the “at least equal to” program will remain as the plant’s onsite inspectors, provided they have the same training and inspect the plant under the same regulatory standards as their federal counterparts in FSIS-inspected plants.